Spreading Japanese Yew

Taxus cuspidata (spreading)

  • Semi-upright broad rounded habit
  • Nearly vertical branches arch outward
  • Narrow short-stalked dull green needles
  • Small round fleshy red berries on mature stems
  • Low tolerance for salt or wet, poorly-drained conditions


125-200 cm

225-250 cm

Substitutions Are Available
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Growing and Maintenance Tips:

A versatile evergreen tolerating heavy pruning, making it ideal for hedges, screens, foundation plantings and topiary landscapes. It can also be left unpruned for a softer textured landscape. Protection (burlap wrap) from drying winter winds is recommended in an exposed location.

All parts of the plant are poisonous to human beings, dogs, cats, and horses, except the flesh of the basically tasteless berry. The hard seed inside the berry is also poisonous. Unfortunately, the poison does not seem to affect deer.

Additional Notes about Spreading Japanese Yew:

Mature taxus specimens have the ability to regrow from old wood; older specimens in the garden can be rejuvenated. 


suitable substitutions for Taxus cuspidata (spreading)